Wow, it is now our last week of the Tahoe Resident Leadership program this summer. This summer has flown by. It’s crazy to think back to the first week and reflect on how we have grown and all the experiences we have had this summer. Our group has gone through a lot and I’m proud to see how we have had to adapt and adjust to every challenging or new circumstance that has come up.

It’s just so amazing to be a part of something like this – where seven individuals all come together to embark on a journey this summer. We all have different personalities and backgrounds, but yet we all had one thing in common – choosing to spend our summer serving at Tahoe Forest Church. We all have different stories, but we are all united in the purpose God had called us to this summer. Now that the summer is over, we are all off to different places and different callings again, but we have been united by our experience this summer. It has been so great to learn from everyone.

Everyone brought something different to the table. Each of the other residents pushed me and opened me up to something new. I admire these women and am so grateful that our paths crossed. I know we will be lifelong contacts and friends. I look forward to hearing about all the wonderful things these other women will do in the future and even am open to collaborating with them if our paths cross again in our different ministry ventures.

Overall, I look back with fondness towards this summer. It has been exactly what I needed at this point in my life to launch me into living out God’s purpose for my life. This has been a summer to remember and I look forward to coming back in September for the 9 month program and continuing my journey here at Tahoe Forest Church!