One of the core pillars of the Tahoe Resident Leadership Program is Service. Our program seeks to emulate Jesus’s teaching in Acts 1:8 that calls us to be witnesses to Him in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Consequently, our program aspires to serve locally, regionally, nationally, and abroad. This summer and fall, our Resident Leaders focused primarily on local and regional services as well as many projects on the church property. Depending on COVID restrictions, the group hopes to serve both nationally and internationally. Below are some of the organizations and projects our aspiring Christian leaders have served and worked on-

  • Sierra Community House & Project Mana (local hunger relief)
  • Greater Foodbank of Northern Nevada (3000lbs boxed)
  • Landscaping at Tahoe Forest Church
  • Rock step work at the baptism stairs 
  • Shade structure work
  • Sunday service set-up/break down
  • Tahoe Community Thanksgiving Food Prep (United for Action)
  • Sport Enrichment for elementary school children