Do you feel called to the ministry and are interested in learning how to become a pastor? Welcome to the Tahoe Resident Leadership Program, where young adults have the chance to grow in their faith, discover their calling, and acquire the abilities needed to become a pastor throughout this 11-month discipleship training program. 

The Tahoe Resident Leadership Program is intended for those who are aspiring a life of service to the Lord. Christian faith and values are at the forefront of the program. We offer an engaging young adult program with an emphasis on practical application of the acquired skills in real-world situations. Preaching, teaching, and other ministry activities will be available for participants to partake in. 

One of the unique aspects of the program is its location in beautiful Lake Tahoe. Participants will have the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty of the area while studying and serving. The discipleship training program also offers a supportive community of fellow young adults who are exploring similar questions and challenges.

To apply for this once-in-a-lifetime young adult program, interested individuals must submit an application and participate in an interview process. Applicants should demonstrate a commitment to Christian faith and a desire to pursue ministry.

Becoming a pastor is a calling that calls for training, work experience, and spiritual development. Young adults have a unique and thorough chance to explore their calling and gain the abilities needed to become effective pastors through the Tahoe Resident Leadership Program. We encourage applying to this program if you feel called to the ministry to begin your journey toward a fruitful and meaningful career in pastoral ministry.

Learn More About The Tahoe Resident Leadership Program!