Everyone craves adventure in one way or another. Longing to be outside and feel the breeze on their face. To step outside the bounds of familiarity and experience something uncommon. This is what drew me to the Tahoe Resident Leadership Program. 

I was raised in a christian home. From an early age I knew my calling to be a pastor and wanted to live out that calling. But first I needed to be equipped. Through summer camps in middle school, Discipleship camps in high school, I knew I needed something more immersive than a week long getaway to “find God.” That’s when I found out about the TRLP program. At its face value, this program had everything I was looking for, a beautiful setting in an area I was already so fortunate to grow up in, extensive and thorough service and ministry opportunities, and a deep dive into the unknown of living alone with roommates. 

More than 9 months into the program, I am honored to say these have been some of the most favored months of my life. I have never been blessed more, challenged so often and grown so much. There have been frustrating days due to hard work and last minute changes of plans, but those difficult days go hand in hand with learning to overcome. In short, I signed up for those days. Because of this program I have formed life-long friendships, learned valuable life and leadership skills and created cherished memories through speaking to the church, adventuring to places I have never been and living in such a unique and special place called Tahoe.

Submitted by Evan Fiddyment