Leaders Not Interns

Leaders Not Interns

When people think of internships at a church, we expect to just be assisting with stacking papers and packaging catalogs, and helping out with Sunday coffee. Not Tahoe Church—they have full confidence that your gifting and personality will add something to the church....
Practice Flourishing: The Spirituality of Jesus

Practice Flourishing: The Spirituality of Jesus

The Tahoe Resident Leadership Program spotlights different Keynote Speakers throughout the year. We were blessed to hear an indelible message from Dr. Andrew DeCort. Watch the keynote speaker here. Dr. Andrew DeCort is the founder of the Neighbor-Love Movement. Andrew...
City Impact San Francisco

City Impact San Francisco

Our trip with our high school students to San Francisco was such a fun and rewarding trip. We went to the Tenderloin district of San Francisco which is an area of San Francisco where there are high rates of poverty and drug use. We served with an organization called...
Different Stories

Different Stories

Wow, it is now our last week of the Tahoe Resident Leadership program this summer. This summer has flown by. It’s crazy to think back to the first week and reflect on how we have grown and all the experiences we have had this summer. Our group has gone through a lot...
One Shot

One Shot

One Shot I don’t know if your Netflix viewing choices are anything like my own, but I have a very real and nerdy appeal to documentaries and docuseries.  Now if you combine that with my heritage of farmers in the family a lethal product emerges.  The docu-style films...