Do you feel like you’re meant for something bigger than yourself? Do you have a passion for serving others and sharing your faith with those around you? If so, the Tahoe Resident Leadership Program (TRLP) could be the life-changing opportunity you’ve been searching for.

The TRLP is a cutting-edge pastor training program that’s perfect for young adults who are looking to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith and develop their leadership skills. This 11-month discipleship training program is based in Lake Tahoe, California, and offers a unique experience that allows you to fully immerse yourself in the program and build lifelong relationships with fellow participants.One of the things that sets the TRLP apart from other pastor training programs is its emphasis on personal growth. While you’ll certainly receive a solid theological education and gain practical ministry experience during your time in the program, the TRLP also recognizes that personal growth is essential to becoming an effective leader. You’ll have opportunities to work on your own character and develop the skills you need to lead with confidence and humility. But the TRLP isn’t just about personal growth – it’s also about making a difference in the world.

Meet the Resident Leaders From Past YearsTahoe Resident Leaders from previous years

Throughout the program, you’ll have numerous opportunities to serve others and put your faith into action. Whether you’re working with local organizations to address social justice issues, leading worship services, or mentoring young people, you’ll be making a tangible impact on the world around you. So what can you expect from the TRLP? You’ll receive a comprehensive theological education that covers everything from biblical interpretation to pastoral care. You’ll gain practical ministry experience through internships and other hands-on opportunities. And you’ll have the chance to develop your leadership skills through workshops, coaching, and mentoring.
But perhaps most importantly, you’ll be part of a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about serving others and sharing their faith with the world. You’ll build lifelong friendships, find support and encouragement when you need it most, and have a network of people you can rely on as you embark on your journey as a leader.

If you’re ready to take your faith and your leadership skills to the next level, the Tahoe Resident Leadership Program is waiting for you. Apply today and take the first step towards a life-changing experience that will equip you to make a real difference in the world.

Learn More About The Tahoe Resident Leadership Program!